~   Knitted Heirlooms   ~

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Hello and thank you for visiting my Knitted Heirlooms website.

I got interested in machine knitting in the late 1980s.

Though my interest began as a hobby, I was soon inspired to

create my own patterns to share with others. 


For awhile I traveled the US teaching, showing and selling

my works at seminars. Now, thanks to the internet I can reach

more people in a much easier way. 


People have asked me where the 'Paki' comes from. 

When I was growing up, it was a nickname my sister gave me

as I was the one who packed the snow around the snowballs she created when we were building snowman. It is also my initials 

with an 'i' at the end. I thought that short name would be much

easier for people than my full name when I was selling at seminars.


 Thanks to the many people who encouraged me to create

this website. I hope you enjoy my patterns. 

Contact Me


Patty Kubitzki